Friday, July 15, 2011

Cleaning Your Windows Like a Professional

What makes cleaning windows so difficult is that we really expect them to be perfect. You don't want to see a streak across the window harming your view of the beautiful sunrise.

Nor, do you want to touch the window frame and feel dust and grime.

Yet, possibly because windows are so important in our lives, we (and our children too!) often cannot resist putting our fingers up to the windows and admiring what lies outside.

The first thing to tackle are the inside window panes and frames. This is often the place you will find grime from fingertips and pets. The frame services as a catch all and often has dust and debris caught inside the window tracks. Finally, the outside pane of the window will often have weather related grime on it.

So, how do you find the perfect solution for cleaning your windows so they look as if a professional did them? There are several things you will need to do.

Home Made Window Cleaning Solution.

First, you need to know what to use to clean your windows. As much as you would like to go out and find some type of chemical that works like magic, the best tool for professional quality clean windows is just plain, warm water.

Add 20 ounces of warm, clear water to a spray bottle.

Add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar to the water.

Mix well.

If windows are extraordinarily dirty, you can add a few drops of a mild dish washing detergent to them.

Keep on hand old newspapers to dry the windows with.The Best Method for Cleaning Windows.

Now that you have your cleaning solution ready to go, apply some gloves and off you go.

There is no need to worry about having many different chemicals on hand as these just make cleaning the windows more difficult. Remember, whatever chemicals you apply to the window, the more chemicals you will need to successfully remove if you are to have a clean, streak free window.

Start by washing the windows on a cloudy day. You do not want to clean your windows in the rain, but that does not mean you want a sunny day either.

The sunlight streaming through your window will actually help to create streaks on your window rather than help you remove them. Simple sunlight will dry the cleaning solution faster than you can wash it off, so it's very important to avoid this if at all possible.

Next, using a terry cloth to wash the windows, apply the cleaning solution to the windows.

When working on inside window panes, wipe the windows horizontally to clean them. When working outside, make sure to use a vertical stroke for a streak free look.

Then, take some old newspapers, wad them up to wipe and shine your windows. This will help give that streak free shine to your windows. And, you won't waste money on paper towels.

For professional window cleaning tips, read below.

Cleaning Window Frames.

Although many people clean their windows regularly, few take the time necessary to wash the window frames and tracks.

Start with the outside frame. You should use a clean terry cloth to get into all the grooves and between the windows.

If you can, remove the sliding window to provide more access to cleaning the track. You can also use a vacuum cleaner attachment to get out most of the dust that gets into the grooves.

Once you have cleaned the track, wipe down the frame. Make sure to get the top edge of the window frame as well as the sides and the bottom.

If there are smudges, use your cleaning solution for the windows to help remove them. Be very careful getting the paint next to the windows on your walls wet or using too much force in cleaning here as this can damage the paint.

Finally, make sure that you never use anything abrasive to clean your windows or your window frames.

This will cause scratches in the glass or in the frames that will be much harder to clean. For high up window cleaning, call on a professional unless you have a well supported ladder to help you with this project.

Window cleaning is anything but fun to do. Many of us are looking for a few good professional window cleaning tips that we can use in our own homes.

Mrs. Clean is a House Cleaning pro.

We've been cleaning house since 1975, we specialize in professional cleaning services, house cleaning & stain removal tips, stain removal forum, cleaning service directory, and vacuum cleaner product reviews.

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